The building is divided at the upper elevator lobbies with Saugeen on the east side and Maitland on the west side.
The station was divided in two parts and on the transatlantique side; two ships could berth and empty a thousand passengers into the station in an hour.
The Communists are divided into pro-reform, pro-independence forces, on the one side, and Moscow loyalists who are suspicious of reform, on the other.
But first-year algebra students know that "2a" divides all the terms on the righthand side and is not inside the square root.
Past that intersection, M-553 follows McClellan Avenue as a four-lane boulevard divided by a center turn lane through a residential area on the south side of the city.
The screen divided into two, and on the other side was Dr. Vail.
Betts' widow, Phebe, divided the properties on the south side of the street among her daughters and a son, who sold a number of lots.
The receipts of this box, when there were any, were divided among the poor prisoners; and the men on the poor side relieved each other in this degrading office.
It consisted of a long nave under a barrel vault ceiling, divided on the north side into four parts by lateral arcades resting on massive rectangular pillars.
Metropolitan Oyo was divided into six provinces with three on the west side of the Ogun River and three to the river's east.