The rest were divided among his heirs.
Samuel's share, therefore, should go back into the original testator's estate, to be divided among his heirs.
The document provided that their shares of the estate be divided among their heirs.
After Ignacio died in 1864, his estate was divided among his heirs.
Then the island was divided among his heirs.
The executor of her estate won the auction, which was divided among her surviving heirs.
Under Norwegian property laws, it would be divided among his heirs, like any private estate.
Upon the death of a king, the Frankish kingdom was frequently divided among his heirs.
As such it would be divided among his heirs, like any other private estate under Ancient Norwegian property laws.
After Powell's death in 1721/1722, his remaining property was divided among his children and their heirs, leading to its evolution into several farming communities.