Was that what the conspiracy document was about something to do with dividing Ireland into two countries, one independent Catholic, the other Protestant and still part of Britain?
They have a saying: If Bull O'Malley was dividing Ireland, you can be certain he wouldn't leave himself last.
It runs predominantly in a north/south direction, dividing Ireland geographically between east and west.
In the year 1111, a synod, or meeting of bishops, was held at Rathbrasall, County Tipperary, which divided Ireland into dioceses.
A vice-county system was adopted by Praeger dividing Ireland into 40 vice-counties based on the counties.
Philip Arbuthnot was three years old when the Peace was signed that divided Ireland.
Hennessey, Thomas: Dividing Ireland, World War I and Partition, Ch.
Sláine and his four brothers, who were descended from one of the sons of Nemed, divided Ireland amongst themselves.
It is divided into two parts: the Republic of Ireland, an independent country; and Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom.
He wrote that following the tragic incident at Soloheadbeg in January 1919 the extremists triumphed, but likewise divided Ireland.