Late the following night, they signed a new agreement to divide Bosnia into "three constituent units" based on ethnic criteria.
In talks here last week, disagreement centered on the details of a map dividing Bosnia into 10 provinces.
It would have divided Bosnia into 10 autonomous provinces.
That is why the only way to stabilize things now is to divide Bosnia among them.
That plan would have divided Bosnia into a loose association of 10 semi-automonous regions.
The plan would have divided Bosnia into 10 ethnically dominated provinces.
The plan would divide Bosnia into 10 ethnic provinces.
He deserves time to play out his hand - to divide Bosnia into autonomous provinces loosely linked to a central government.
But fighting is not expected to end until they also agree on the third component, a map dividing Bosnia into 10 semi-autonomous regions.
Moreover, various plans for dividing Bosnia among the two countries existed.