Much of this funding has historically been diverted to general city expenses, under section 3.
After being diverted under an expressway, David and Terry confront the bank robbers and arrest the team.
A riverside picnic site covering approximately 7 hectares was created, and north and south bound traffic was diverted under the park via a tunnel.
Moreover, the defendants who will be diverted under the new law are not neophytes; they are second-time felons.
Kuwait is asking that half of Iraq's future oil earnings be diverted under United Nations authority to pay for $60 billion or more in damages.
Their civic and entertainment funds were diverted to the imperial treasury under this pretext, a decision approved by Justinian.
In 1908 the up line was diverted under the main line to reduce congestion.
Starting in the 1880s, the stream was diverted into underground sewers under city streets and the original course was filled in with soil.
Water was diverted from the broken main, under the bed of the Hackensack River, to an alternate main.
The beef crisis has already diverted attention from important work under way in the Intergovernmental Conference.