At the time of the book's release, Chicago's cardinal, John Cody, was the subject of allegations of having diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Church to a mistress.
LEAD: Saudi Arabia is diverting hundreds of thousands of barrels of jet and diesel fuel daily from exports and supplying it free to the international force on its territory.
Mr. Silver said his plan would address that problem by diverting thousands of nonviolent felons each year into drug and alcohol treatment programs.
That in turn resulted in a 17-count Federal indictment last week, charging Mr. Flake and his wife with diverting thousands of dollars in church money to their own use.
This year, Mr. Towle resigned as a legislator and pleaded guilty to taking thousands of dollars in bribes and diverting thousands of dollars of campaign funds for his personal use.
This year, reversing a trend of many years, we reduced the volume of trash carried to our incinerator, diverting thousands of tons through recycling.
But local residents said that diverting thousands of cars onto side streets would endanger them.
In August, a court-appointed election monitor overturned last year's election, finding that Mr. Carey's aides diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars in union funds to help his campaign.
Police Chief William Hart has accused Mr. Weiner of diverting hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fund and funneling money into bogus corporations in California.
This long raid diverted thousands of Union troops.