All of this diverts manpower and transport from population relocation efforts, yet the diversion is necessary.
The communique said these subsidies hurt economic growth by diverting money and manpower away from more efficient industries.
It only further weakens them because they are diverting manpower and money from organizing to something that won't necessarily produce results.
The idea is to keep them from carrying out their program of conquest, without having to divert manpower from halfway around the universe to do it.
Finally, attacking Iraq would undermine the war on terrorism, diverting manpower, money and attention from the fight against Al Qaeda.
In addition, his teammates will oftentimes divert manpower to attempt to rescue the knocked out player, giving the other team an advantage.
He says it could divert manpower away from more needy areas.
He spoke of the need to redefine the bureau's purpose, to strengthen intelligence gathering and analysis, to divert money and manpower to preventing terrorist attacks.
As well as causing the destruction of lands, foods and belongings, fire could also be used to divert manpower.
The event would also force the Coast Guard to divert boats and manpower from search and rescue operations, he said.