Sadly however the fact that tax revenues do not cover welfare payments tends to divert cash from the private sector.
Many men and women occasionally or even habitually divert marital cash to a private cookie jar.
Thieves are not just diverting cash from company bank accounts, these experts say.
Some companies have complained that the measuring techniques are faulty, causing them to divert cash from business pursuits to pension contributions.
As a result, some real estate trusts are diverting cash that would normally be used to buy properties to buy back their stock.
Prosecutors believe the executives constructed a series of shell companies and used forged documents to conceal losses and divert cash.
The managers' motive, apparently, is to please the stockholders (and boost their own pay) by diverting cash from hard research to plush dividends.
What he is interested in is diverting public cash flows into private hands.
Wolfe presents the office as corrupt, continually gamed by hustlers diverting cash into their own pockets.
Scrap Labour's personal care at home and divert cash to give one week's respite for one million carers.