The predecessors of Bridgestone began making diversified products in the 1930s, soon after they started making tires.
Its port is also the hub for cotton from the rural areas, coffee and petroleum, apart from the diversified industrial products manufactured in the city.
The subsidiary will have three operating groups - for engineered products, for electronics and for diversified products, such as glass and plastics.
Companies that specialize in constructing these components are referred to as "aerostructures manufacturers," though many larger aerospace firms with a more diversified product portfolio also build aerostructures.
This is a reference to both the diversified products they sell, beyond normal banking products, and also to the sales focus the employees have.
"But if you sell diversified products, you're bound to catch some of the problems."
The company is sometimes referred to as "The TATA of South India", due to its very diversified products and business portfolio.
This process is used for bright and fast coloured value-added diversified products made from jute.
Airlines benefit from this competition as they get an array of diversified products ranging from 100-500 seats, which they would not get if both companies offered identical aircraft.
Seitz does injection molding and has assembly for diversified products like Xerox, Harley-Davidson and windshield wipers.