Slow to react, the Government ran up an $8 billion foreign debt before embarking on a diversification program.
Saddam also started a diversification programme, to ensure that Iraq would not be depended on its oil revenues in the future.
But it embarked on a diversification program and eventually changed its corporate name.
He began work on a diversification program to rescue the company.
This diversification program has succeeded to the point where the utility operations are no longer the company's main source of revenue.
When John Marlin died in 1901, his two sons took over the business and began a diversification program.
The company has already disposed of about $2 billion worth of assets, in effect undoing a diversification program it began several years ago.
But the two quickly began feuding and Sam quit when Joe decided to end a diversification program that their father had started.
The diversification program was started two years ago shortly before American Thread closed.
The Zambian government is pursuing an economic diversification program to reduce the economy's reliance on the copper industry.