Handcrews are diverse teams of career and temporary wildland firefighters.
It relies on the personal initiative and creativity of students working in diverse teams.
I believe more diverse teams make better decisions because they consider a broader array of risks and opportunities.
"I think it's great we're in this position, where we're going to go through a stretch with such diverse teams," Jarvis said.
He now oversees a diverse team of about 450 people trying to wed design and marketing in groundbreaking ways.
It's unreal to be part of such a diverse team of world class athletes.
It has led to a seasoned, savvy and diverse team.
Managing such a long an innovative project with such a large and diverse team was, as we'll soon see, a logistical nightmare.
The team's roster recruits from every department on campus, resulting in a diverse, innovative team and work environment.
We have as diverse a team on the field and off the field that you can imagine.