A far more significant question than that of origins - one which is also more amenable to historical enquiry - is that concerning the actual development and organization of the state in its diverse manifestations.
Homosexuality has been one of the diverse manifestations of human sexuality since time immemorial.
Shaktism regards Devi (lit., 'the Goddess') as the Supreme Brahman itself, the "one without a second", with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered to be merely her diverse manifestations.
That's most fortunate, but this is the flying gout, with diverse symptoms and diverse manifestations .
"Embedded in the diverse manifestations of this problem - global warming, ozone depletion, tropical deforestation and acid deposition - are enormous challenges to science and engineering, to your Administration and to the world community of nations," the letter stated.
Although this disease lacks characterisation in the early stages of tumour development, considerations based on diverse clinical manifestations, as well as resistance to radiation and chemotherapy are important.
Lawler's work, in its diverse manifestations (installations, events, publications, souvenirs...) addresses or confronts prevailing systems of establishing art, taste and style.
In the Municipality diverse cultural manifestations are developed, some associates to popular celebrations, like:
Mr President, obviously the diverse manifestations of democratic resistance to the dangers of an uncontrolled expansion of the WTO's powers have given pause for thought.
Neither straightforward historical reference nor appropriation, these works operate within a canon of abstract visual language, and reflect on the diverse manifestations of modernity.