The domain Archaea contains renowned examples, but extremophiles are present in numerous and diverse genetic lineages of both bacteria and archaeans.
So, the success of beetles as a whole is driven not only by several extremely diverse lineages, but also by a high number of moderately successful lineages.
Today's Anglo-Burmese can count a very diverse lineage in their blood.
The bee subfamily Panurginae is a diverse lineage of 33 genera in 7 tribes.
Soil crusts develop most commonly in arid and semi-arid environments by biological organisms from diverse lineages binding together inorganic and organic portions of the soils.
Other "rasborines" are apparently distributed across the diverse lineages of the family.
Remarkably, the capture of syncytin or syncytin-like genes has occurred independently, from different groups of endogenous retroviruses, in diverse mammalian lineages.
The oral transmission of pibroch also survives as a living tradition through diverse lineages of teachers and pupils, traceable back to the earliest accounts of the form.
Most psychrophiles are bacteria or archaea, and psychrophily is present in widely diverse microbial lineages within those broad groups.
They are a diverse lineage, spreading throughout the warm parts of Eurasia into temperate Europe and East Asia and south to the Australian region.