This century has showcased two widely divergent strategies to alleviate poverty.
In just two days of trial, divergent strategies at best, and strains at worst, among the defense lawyers are already becoming clear.
When many companies pursue divergent strategies, however, some will prosper no matter what economic scenario evolves.
The lawyers' former partnership has raised concerns that they could have information against each other's clients if they adopt divergent strategies.
The ambiguity in eyewitness memory facial recognition can be attributed to the divergent strategies that are used when under the influence of racial bias.
The Bell companies put Bellcore up for sale 18 months ago, when it became clear that their divergent corporate strategies were no longer compatible with a jointly owned research organization.
Now that the battle is being played out in courtrooms instead of in counting rooms, the parties' divergent strategies are just coming into focus.
The divergent strategies may present some delicate problems for the American publisher, St. Martin's Press.
But underlying regional strategy, divergent from evolving U.S. global strategy, is more important.
For years the Syrian opposition was made up of a ragtag band of leftists, Arab nationalists and Islamists with competing interests and divergent strategies.