Watching me glide away, the dive master quickly signaled us to link arms and pointed in a direction against the current.
Local dive masters may not consider your skill level when they organize the trip.
But novices need not fear: local dive masters know how to best match the site to the prevailing conditions.
Divers went down in groups of six, each led by a dive master.
While others followed a dive master, the Lonergans toured the site on their own.
It held a maximum of six divers plus the dive master and pilot, so people got to know each other.
The dive master made a brief check of his air pressure gauge and then nodded an okay to keep going.
We'll have a dive master with us," Wendy assured her.
We were ready to take our dive masters and there was no where cheaper on earth to study than Honduras.
The dive master on duty questioned us closely about how much diving we had done.