He dove headlong over them, forearms braced, so that his entire force struck the doors.
Bolan dived headlong for the cover of his cactus stand and grabbed the M-16.
Not even slowing in the least, the drow dived headlong, thinking to slide across and begin his run once more.
He dove headlong into a shell hole in front of him.
Peter dived headlong under a great pile of brush.
Vander dove headlong, spread out wide on the floor, grabbing desperately.
He dived headlong for the ground, came up at a fast crouch, and rounded the corner.
He does not edge into this role; he dives headlong.
He dove headlong through it and emerged back into the light only to find himself face to face with a dark elf.
Lord, Mandorallen can be windy once he dives headlong into a sentence!