Not before the shark, perhaps to show its displeasure, several times dived deep.
He dived deep, reaching as far as the bottom of the water, a hard invisible floor.
Men dived deep into the water, searching for fish or other marine life, and coming up empty-handed.
It dove deep, shot to the surface, dove again.
Njangu dived deep, kicking hard, then ran out of air and went for the surface.
The transparent membranes slid over her eyes as she slipped under the water, dived deep.
He dove deep, striking out toward the shore.
Finally he dove deep, hoping to shake off the closing fish.
The lad uttered a loud shout, then dived deep, coming up at once only to find himself almost against the side of the moving craft.
The green form turned and dived deep under the raft.
I dove deep and found them.
Although they are trapped in the middle of the flames, Willy dives deep and is able to swim underneath, taking Jesse with him.
Arilyn dove deep and began swimming steadily toward the west.
U-1272 dived deep and out of trouble, but U-235 surfaced, possibly to identify herself and then as if changing her mind, also dived.
The sleep he slept after that was deep and dreamless and comforting, and Shadow dived deep and embraced it.
"Dive deep and swim hard," he advised them.
After a few preliminary explorations, Faye dove deep and hooked a big one.
He dived too deep and came up off-balance, and it took him nearly a length to find his stroke.
On 13 November U-331 was attacked by an escort ship and was slightly damaged when she dove too deep and hit the sea bed.
He tried to reach out for the memory and seize it, but it dove deep and vanished.