The three problems of diurnal rotation.
This centre of gravity remains in-line towards the Moon as the Earth completes its diurnal rotation.
For any given latitude the Pole star has effectively a constant altitude and the other stars Appear to revolve around it owing to the Earth's diurnal rotation.
Aryabhata's followers were particularly strong in South India, where his principles of the diurnal rotation of the earth, among others, were followed and a number of secondary works were based on them.
Tidal strains have long since ended their diurnal rotation and they turn the same faces toward each other during their period of revolution of not quite twenty-five days.
The slow wobble of the earth's spin axis on the celestial sphere is independent of the diurnal rotation of the Earth on its own axis and the annual revolution of the earth around the sun.
The nineteen-day polar tumble combined with the diurnal rotation keeps the air breezy and invigorating.
Since the middle of the first millennium BC the diurnal rotation of the fixed stars has been used to determine mean solar time, against which clocks were compared to determine their error rate.
For if there was anything miraculous about Haldora, why would the Creator have slipped up over a matter of twelve minutes in forty hours when arranging Hela's diurnal rotation?
We've flown right into a big solar system and I'm landing on planet 13-an uninhabited orb with no diurnal rotation.