Stop motion photography is used to observe diurnal motion.
However, all objects on the celestial sphere are subject to diurnal motion, which is always from east to west.
This is the diurnal motion (daily motion).
Posidonius's orrery, according to Cicero, exhibited the diurnal motions of the sun, moon, and the five known planets.
Equatorial mounts only need to be rotated about a single axis, at a constant rate, to follow the rotation of the night sky (diurnal motion).
Heliotropism is the diurnal motion or seasonal motion of plant parts (flowers or leaves) in response to the direction of the sun.
In 1851, he provided the first experimental demonstration of the rotation of the Earth on its axis (see diurnal motion).
It is observed as the diurnal motion of stars or extraterrestrial radio sources.
On the three problems involving diurnal motion.
Similarly, Atmospheric tides arise from, for example, non-uniform solar heating associated with diurnal motion.