The actor Graham Fellows owns a disused church on the Orkney island, which he intends to turn into an "artists refuge".
The disused church of St Johns holds occasional services.
He owns a disused church on the Orkney island of Rousay, which he intends to turn into an "artists refuge".
The building was formerly a disused church that was bought and converted into a mosque in 1968.
On the spire of a disused church, the metal clamps that hold a weathercock begin to strain and weaken.
In 1975, a disused church on Willesden Lane was bought and renovated.
There is a small Catholic church, now disused, situated on Station Road.
To his left, a hospital; to his right, a disused church, shuttered and daubed with Party slogans.
The disused church was noted to be in bad condition in 1937, and the roof collapsed in 1950.
A later medieval church, now disused, now stands on the site of the original foundation.