The Romulans were a mirror that offered him only the most disturbing reflections.
Concentration kept her from disturbing reflections such as Rimbol's being "satisfactory" and Jezerey's convulsions.
This, he thought, was a very disturbing reflection on modern life, and one which led some religious fundamentalists to search for satanism everywhere.
And this prompted disturbing reflections.
In that mode, it also blocks disturbing multipath reflections.
Some of his early poems contain faintly disturbing reflections on piano practice, old songs or a boy listening to his mother playing.
Maybe the employers are seeing the same disturbing reflection.
With no stubs attached, the main bus looks like an infinite length transmission line with no disturbing reflections.
"Long Night's Journey Into Day" is a beautiful and often disturbing reflection on the nature of truth and forgiveness.
Then, as though moved by a disturbing reflection, "But what if Ish-kay-nay waits so long that she is old and wrinkled?