In one disturbing case, a seventy-four-year-old professor was yanked from his classroom during class and interrogated while armed guards looked on.
He found the cases so disturbing that he called the work "our Friday penance."
It is not necessary to share the film's political views to feel that it makes a cogent and disturbing case.
This was a disturbing case, and she just couldn't let it go.
But Tony's involvement with the police often affects him deeply as he finds it difficult to distance himself from disturbing cases.
Therein may lie the most disturbing element of a disturbing case.
It was the most difficult, disturbing, devastating case, and it took its toll.
He was a singular case, both admirable and disturbing: the perennial guerrilla fighter who also became king.
Her tweets are a good way to stay posted on what is an odd and disturbing case.
This is to bar him from pardon in his own impeachment, or disturbing cases of treason.