Five hours after the disturbance began, police swarmed into the jail and gained control.
Remember, I told you that this disturbance began roughly half a billion years in your past?
When the disturbances began, the two facilities, like the entire Federal prison system, were overcrowded.
About 90 people were being held at the center when the disturbance began.
Twenty-four people have died since the disturbances began in December 1994.
The disturbance in the Hippodrome began before anyone knew of that death.
When this new disturbance began, they set out to look for this man.
It was not until the end of July that the disturbances began to subside.
The police poured out to stop them, though it took three nights before the disturbances began to die down.
The second disturbance also began to gather shards of color into itself.