The district works: 37 houses and cultural centers, 42 libraries, 7 museums, three art schools.
In total the district works, 103 artistic groups, including 23 as "model".
These 15 districts would work from the widest possible resources available within the community.
She said the district was working to make its food services more cost efficient in other ways.
In 2007, the district employed 231 teachers who earned an average teacher salary of $55,080 for 180 days worked.
The district works: a hospital with general fund of 220 beds.
Each district works closely with the military authorities in the area.
The district worked around the clock, but the majority of its patrons were like insects who shun the light.
The district can also work with other nearby districts to provide more options to parents.
Other districts have worked to adjust, successfully, to population change.