Nine projects valued at $3 billion are being developed in a district once dominated by wharves, ship terminals, fish processors and warehouses.
In the past, she has won re-election in a district dominated by members of minority groups.
McCarthy favored women's right to abortion, but she represented a district dominated by conservative Catholics.
Agriculture is the main economic branch of the district dominated by increasing crops such as sugar beet and tobacco.
Dr. Klein said that a year ago his election seemed a long shot in a district dominated by Republicans.
This is West Wallsbury, a district dominated by factories, large and small, old and new.
And in judicial districts dominated by one party - which is most of them - party leaders end up choosing the judges.
There are areas of unique nature in the district, dominated by lowland pastures.
She had cited them as an alternative to drawing political districts dominated by minorities as a way to increase their political power.
I think this is a district dominated by independent-thinking Republicans.