Contrary to the views of some on these pages, the electricity grid distribution losses are quite small at around 7 or 8%.
Due to a distribution loss, however, the label soon folded prior to its release.
This was achieved by reducing distribution losses from 40% to currently 30%.
In addition, as mentioned, distribution losses have remained at very high levels (28%).
During the 1990s and up to 2005, distribution losses have always been close to 10%, which is below the 13.6% average for the region.
As of 2007, Taiwan's transmission and distribution losses account for 4.75%.
Actual water consumption is much lower than this level due to distribution losses estimated around 45%.
The natural gas figure is slightly greater than 1 and mainly accounts for distribution losses.
In addition, distribution losses are among the highest in the region.
Third, it allows a utility to better locate distribution losses (technical objective).