This broad distribution indicates that there were no barriers to separate this terrestrial vertebrate.
This distribution indicates that "most of the volume of the supergalactic plane is a great void."
The upraised arm and the distribution of weight indicate that in his original context, this ephebe was leaning against a vertical support, such as a column.
The popular vote was not as lopsided as the distribution of seats would indicate.
The distribution of the wreckage and the scattered cargo indicates that the ship was between 15 and 16 meters long.
The exact spatial distribution of the seed around a grinding stone further indicates extensive preparation.
That is, the distribution indicates the probability of the truth or falsehood of each ground atom.
Grazhdankin says he does not believe the graphs with non-Gaussian distributions indicate vote fraud.
Its mainly island distribution may indicate a relatively recent contraction of its range.
The distribution of Deinosuchus specimens indicates these giant crocodilians may have preferred estuarine environments.