Over 3,500 vials of the drug, distributed nationwide, were recalled.
The newspaper also publishes a biweekly magazine distributed nationwide, and have their own 24 hour news channel.
It is distributed nationwide, and has been in circulation since November 15th, 2007.
Every issue is distributed nationwide through leading newsagents, supermarkets, professional advisors and British Franchise Association events.
The tape was later distributed nationwide through NASA's Teacher Resource Center network.
Scheduled for publication next year, online and in book form, the catalog is to be distributed to music libraries and archives nationwide.
The cover, on 187 million phone books distributed nationwide, included an American Indian bewildered by smoke signals rising from a telephone receiver.
Flyers with the baby's picture were distributed nationwide, with no success in locating her.
Gas mask kits are being distributed nationwide, and several Arrow antimissile batteries have been moved into place.
It was a 360 page, hard-cover printed volume, distributed to fraters and chapters nationwide, as well as pharmacy school libraries nationwide.