The committee also voted to distribute yellow ribbons to the commissioners to help remember the hostages, who also include Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press when he was abducted March 1985.
The demonstrators included Ghada Shahbandar, an English teacher, who distributed white ribbons in what she described as a peaceful means of relaying a message that what happened cannot be accepted.
During the Pitt vs. UConn women's game, the Oakland Zoo distributed pink ribbons to everyone in attendance to show support for breast cancer awareness.
The Gore side distributed orange ribbons and blue-and-white "Gore-Lieberman 2000" posters.
Along with French, he distributed white and blue ribbons to the populace, so that patriots could distinguish themselves from royalists.
And Self magazine has joined Estee Lauder Inc. to distribute pink ribbons in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.
In keeping with the historic appearance of the borough, some candidates for commissioner distribute colored ribbons to their supporters instead of yard signs.
We must bear in mind those young people who on St Valentine's Day distributed light-blue ribbons with gold stars on the streets of cities in Belarus.
Some employers distributed patriotic lapel pins, miniature American flags or red-white-and-blue ribbons like worn those by sales people at Macy's on Herald Square.