This attitude was attractive to Dudley, as it conveniently allowed him to fill up the Exchequer or distribute rewards with Church property.
Lu Xun distributed rewards to them generously.
Its centers are staffed by three full-time employees plus additional assistants, usually college or high-school students, who answer questions, check progress and distribute rewards.
Plate 18 shows an enthroned king distributing rewards to the victorious generals.
The central fresco by Veronese shows Venice distributing honors and rewards.
The invention of user-created meta-currencies such as Dragon kill points to distribute in-game rewards.
A tax system designed to maximize economic growth will distribute rewards according to experience, effort and risk taking.
I suppose one might say that all filmmakers, distributing rewards and punishments, come close to playing God.
In August, the amir purchased two aeroplanes from the British for use against the rebels, and his consort stimulated the enthusiasm of his soldiers by distributing large rewards to all who served under his flag.
Beginning in January 2011, Office Depot began requiring email addresses for all Worklife Rewards signups, in an attempt to go green and distribute rewards via email.