Although tickets are free, AEG officials have not said whether there are plans to distribute recordings of the event.
Deals are now being made directly with foreign entrepreneurs to record new material, license old recordings and distribute recordings around the world.
In contrast to the conventional way of distributing promotional recordings, this kind of promotional distribution is faster and cheaper.
Philips also distributed recordings made by the US Columbia Records on the European continent.
Music companies are eyeing the M-bone as a way to distribute new recordings, including music videos.
The practice which was most prevalent during the 1980s and 1990s, also saw people distribute recordings of live music shows.
Those found guilty of manufacturing and distributing such recordings received from three to five years of imprisonment in labour camps for profiteering.
Koch Entertainment is a music label and distributes recordings made by other independent labels.
Starting with 19 independent labels, the company began distributing recordings of experimental music in all genres.
They also distribute recordings from the Concord Music Group and Rounder Records.