Essentially, it provides a single format to distribute documents electronically over a network or on a disk so they can be viewed and searched with a computer.
Eastern said it would not distribute documents until next week.
He abandoned plans to go into international law after helping distribute documents at a United Nations conference in Geneva.
He is still with the Congressional Budget Office, printing and distributing documents.
He distributes documents and correspondence about the plan from boxes on the floor below the pickle and kosher wine section.
Nearly 3,000 nongovernmental organizations have such status, which enables them to distribute documents to meetings of the council.
The Center catalogs and distributes documents published by the Office of Water's Program Offices.
OpenPipeline provides a common architecture for connectors to data sources, file filters, text analyzers and modules to distribute documents across a network.
However, the development of computer networks has made it so that in most cases it is much more convenient to distribute electronic documents than printed ones.
There are also major delays in distributing documents in Members' official languages.