For his distraught family, only hanging would have avenged the death of the father of four.
There he lived for several more hours, surrounded by his distraught family.
An autopsy-induced cut to the neck is not easily explained to distraught families.
They are then both reunited with their distraught families at the hospital.
Knowing how distraught the family was, she was eager to put her end of the tragedy to rest.
Their distraught families claimed that both girls were track-and-field stars and wouldn't have gone anywhere without a fight.
A relief fund was set up to assist distraught families and to care for injured children in future years.
A confused Abby finally serves the distraught family their lunch.
A distraught family was in one of the identification rooms.
When distraught families beg them to inject the paranormal into cases of the dead and missing, the police find it hard to say no.