Either leave flamboyant traits behind, thus going incognito; or just masquerade yourself and create an illusion to fit your goals and distract others.
Patter, a site which allows people to write incredibly long and meaningless posts to distract others from their blunders on other social media sites?
"Arrive clean and free of scents that might distract or offend others."
After presenting the attributes in quick succession, the researchers instructed some students to think carefully about the decision for four minutes and distracted others by asking them to solve anagrams.
And it came amid feuding between Administration factions while personal and international events were distracting the President and others.
As a fund-raising professional working with 20- and 30-somethings, I often feel that the glitter of executive philanthropy distracts others from their own potential to give.
To begin a round, all the players begin slapping their thighs; optionally, they can yell or cry out inarticulately ("war whoops") to try to distract others.
Time and again throughout the night, reports came in of the robots attempting to distract others from their duties.
New moon group: (mindful of others, easily distracted)
And the shark's corpse would distract others of the species who could be infesting the vicinity.