The song features a solo female voice that repeats the distorted words "We are near" over and over.
His grip was fierce, willing her comprehension, as if sheer intensity could make the tragically distorted words intelligible.
The electronic media is no different with distorted, inaccurate and inflammatory words.
Second by second, the guttural and distorted words spoken by the weird voice became clearer, but Tommy couldn't quite understand them.
The language is a constructed language, with many distorted English words, most having the same syllables as the English.
Then it uttered a series of squeaks, but from the box came distorted but still recognizable words.
There were words, distorted and unidentifiable.
Broken voices spoke distorted words.
The shock of its distorted words felt like pebbles pelting against me.
Instantly she stopped him in a voice that seemed to him to tremble with revulsion, so that he could hardly understand her distorted English words.