In addition, low self-esteem and self-defeating or distorted thinking are related to depression.
Add that to the distorted thinking going on in that little head and it builds up.
The distorted thinking was that the women would be able to convince these same partners to allow them to wear the female condoms.
After a lifetime of distorted thinking, it is not easy to change your prejudices.
CBT changes that kind of distorted thinking and in some cases is prescribed along with a pill.
Somehow in his distorted thinking, he decided that you had been sent to stop him.
Researchers say that such distorted thinking plays a large role in the development of eating disorders.
The doctor has also programmed Skeet, which explains his inability to fully recover from drug use and distorted thinking.
Focusing on only the bad and not the good is an example of negative or distorted thinking.
Because of distorted thinking, "the quality of his work is frequently diminished."