The tide was at full, and it lay below the pier's edge like a distorted mirror.
"A distorted mirror, and you see two different things at e same time."
"Advertising is a distorted mirror; it isn't always accurate," he added.
Rod blinked but it didn't help; it is very difficult to see the shape of a distorted mirror.
Gatún Lake reflected it all, a distorted mirror held up to the edge of the sky gone crazy.
As if he were a reflection cast in a dark, distorted mirror.
They stared at each other, reflections in a distorted mirror.
He says it is a chance for students to be amused by seeing themselves reflected in a distorted mirror.
The comics have long held a distorted mirror to contemporary society, and almost from the beginning have been used for political or social commentary.
Debby is, for her parents, the ultimate demon child, a distorted, horrific mirror of their own history.