We urge his election over John Wilson, a less distinguished veteran of the district attorney's office, who is an officer of the local Conservative Party.
After the end of the American Revolution, Hodijah, youngest son of Nicholas and a distinguished veteran of the war, took over control of the iron works.
Additionally, some estrangement seems to have occurred between the merry jester responsible for the book's best lines and the distinguished veteran gravely blessing America in the afterword.
When the season ends, some players, including a few distinguished veterans, seem sure to become former Giants.
"The Royal Society of Literature has lost a distinguished veteran among its Fellows, and the study of Shakespeare a brave and devoted servant."
Moyses Chahon (1918-1981) was a Brazilian Army general and a distinguished veteran of World War II.
Emperor Nero thereupon called upon Vespasian, a distinguished veteran of the conquest of Britannia, to suppress the rebellion.
Meanwhile, the Senate finally approved awards of brevets to distinguished veterans of the Civil War.
"General Peter Pace is a distinguished military veteran and public servant," Mr. Reid said.
In his remarks, Mr. Clinton said the armed forces have become "among the most integrated institutions in America," citing the service of distinguished black veterans.