Asked about his feelings on first viewing Urras, the tall, distinguished physicist replied, "It is a great honor to be invited to your beautiful planet.
Two distinguished physicists have theorised that nature itself is stopping the troubled £4.4billion project from getting off the ground.
The distinguished physicist, Sir Hermann Bondi, once described the sort of people who become scientists.
During this period, one visiting professor position was created to invite distinguished foreign physicists for an extended period.
If the most distinguished physicists and mathematicians believe in the genius as magician, it is partly for psychological protection.
The University of Michigan called him "one of the most distinguished experimental physicists of the 20th century".
Stanford has made offers to several distinguished Soviet physicists and mathematicians in the last year.
The distinguished nuclear physicist Lord Flowers, a veteran of a dozen such committees, told me:
A very distinguished physicist may hold abhorrent political beliefs.
Between the two world wars, Townsend led an effective small group of researchers, often Rhodes scholars, of whom some became distinguished physicists.