We were delighted to have a distinguished group from Bulawayo fly over for the opening, and some who stayed through the week.
The guests, two dozen in number, formed a distinguished group.
It was a distinguished group whose names were in many exclusive registers, though no personal achievement had ever put them there.
It was also, a generation later, home to a most distinguished group of gentlemen scientists and technocrats.
I have listed them all below and, as you can see, they are a distinguished group.
In addition to its membership, The Trust has a distinguished group of patrons.
The work done by our distinguished group of engineers will not be "buried," let alone "destroyed."
It's a great feeling to be in such a distinguished group of gentlemen.
Six pros have reached that distinguished group while working for clubs in the metropolitan area.
It's really a thrill to have a chance to be associated with such a distinguished group of scientists.