Newton's greatest work, the Principia, highly mathematical and written in Latin, was heavy going even for his distinguished contemporaries such as Halley and Hooke.
His Forestries appeared in 1555; his Diverses poésies, including the Art poétique, the Satyres françoises, addressed to various distinguished contemporaries, and the Idylles, with some epigrams and sonnets, appeared in 1605.
The best of all would be, if, as has eminently happened in the case of some distinguished contemporaries, the merit of the work should, in the reader's estimation, form an excuse for the Author's breach of promise.
Her reminiscences, Mes premières armes littéraires et politiques (1904) and Mes sentiments et nos idées avant 1870 (1905), contain much interesting gossip about her distinguished contemporaries.
The sale also includes a photographic scrapbook of some 38 photographs Dodgson took in the 1850's and 1860's, most of them portraits of distinguished academic contemporaries like Michael Faraday and Thomas Henry Huxley.
Brown was revered and beloved to uncommon degree, and he was the cherished friend of many of his most distinguished contemporaries, including Thackeray.
I wish to deal with my most distinguished contemporaries, not personally or in a merely literary manner, but in relation to the real body of doctrine which they teach.
Among the distinguished contemporaries in this party of 12 are Edward Giobbi, Hananiah Harari and Hugh Mesibov, all of whom have had significant exposure in the last year.
This form is demonstrated by Pulgar's work Claros varones de Castilla in which he represents the detailed lives of twenty-four distinguished contemporaries.
He was an expert haggadist, and frequently discussed exegetical topics with his distinguished contemporaries.