These names are still in use, to distinguish from other types of foxtrots.
Techniques such as these distinguish Bizarre from other types of magic performance.
Their 'closed' nature is one feature which distinguishes investment trusts from other types of intermediary.
It promises to be very helpful in distinguishing Alzheimer's disease from other types of dementia.
They distinguish themselves from other types of Darklighters by wearing tribal tattoos on their face.
Philosophers sometimes distinguish classes from types and kinds.
It is distinguished from other types of supernovae by the presence of hydrogen in its spectrum.
Lesions usually appear purple-red in color, and there is little else to distinguish this variant of skin cancer from other types.
This cable is typically flat (and has a light blue color) to help distinguish it from other types of network cabling.
A topographic map is distinguished from other types of maps by portraying elevation.