But not only are the hackers dressing better, they've also taken on a distinctly new attitude.
In Project Origin, Nightmares still appear but with a distinctly new appearance.
They have 128 co-sponsors on a bipartisan bill to create a distinctly new dollar coin.
'Thus we have developed a distinctly new product especially to meet the demands of this market.'
Bantering with a Gyrgon was distinctly new to him.
Within the last three months, tremendous buzz has developed about related, not-exactly-new technologies that together may give Web sites a distinctly new feel.
She was made uneasy by his eyes, a distinctly new sensation.
But on a recent evening, there was a distinctly new New York feel to the club's clientele.
Devlin Waugh was deliberately created to be a distinctly new breed of hero.
It had given her a distinctly new personality, the third since her marriage to Eliot.