Angels in Iron by Nicholas Prata remains faithful to the historical narrative and tells the story from a distinctly Catholic point of view.
Though the origins of the chaplet and its use of rosary beads are distinctly Catholic in nature, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy can be said by non - Roman Catholics as well.
Moreover, despite its distinctly Catholic character, Commonweal has consistently spurned sectarianism and religious dogmatism, in turn attracting contributors from all points of the mainstream political spectrum in the United States.
Still, he did not leave out any details of a distinctly Catholic flavor: invocation of the saints, Latin prayers, mention of purgatory.
Because the Hampton Bays market is sponsored by a Catholic organization, one will find, along with the coffee, tea, jewelry, clothing, musical instruments and housewares, a few items of a distinctly Catholic bent.
Distinctly Catholic: A blog written by Michael Sean Winters which "examines politics, religion and the estuary where the two meet, all from a distinctively Catholic point of view.
She references Greeley and Tracy "to posit the existence of a distinctly Catholic consciousness which is deeply immersed in sensuality and sexuality."
Within the past year at the Catholic university where I teach, two separate grass-roots movements have sprung up spontaneously, both concerned with establishing a distinctly Catholic identity on campus.
On 2 April 1825, across the Atlantic, The Truth Teller began publication, as New York's first distinctly Catholic paper.
Popular culture had a distinctly Catholic twist - just consider the successful run, including Oscars, for Catholic movies like "The Bells of St. Mary's," "Going My Way" and "On the Waterfront."