Soon there were two rival pigeongram companies, both of which issued distinctive and attractive stamps.
When Howard moved on to the Conan series, he began to place his own distinctive stamp on the lost city tale.
This style he adapted and personalised until it had his own distinctive stamp.
As an arranger, composer and conductor, he has placed his distinctive stamp on more than 60 Festival productions.
Stamps of this design issued as imperforates were prepared for use in French colonies which did not issue their own distinctive stamps at the time.
Each figure was branded with a distinctive stamp on its underbelly or leg to indicate authenticity.
The cellular design bore the same distinctive stamp that the asteroid colony's lifts and environmental system had.
The cellular design bore the same distinctive stamp that the asteroid colony?
He soon placed his own distinctive stamp on his new command.
The arrival of maize in the 16th century left a distinctive stamp on viticulture in the region.