His landscapes display "with a distinctive sensibility towards trees and foliage and few indications of human presence".
There is a strong and distinctive sensibility at work here, and a talent for reaching to the essence of experience through scenes of fully imagined physical description.
Foote draws no conclusions about himself or his origins at the end of this warm, spare chronicle, but it provides a key to the birth of his distinctive sensibility.
Over the last few years, a distinctive sensibility has cut across American culture - a fascination with the abject, with the down and out.
Josif's distinctive artistic sensibility is also displayed in his writings about music.
The shirts they make cost £60 because of the power of the Burberry brand, self-described as 'a luxury brand with a distinctive British sensibility'.
On my last day, I find myself wondering what exactly a 'distinctive British sensibility' is anyway.
But at the same time, having him stay at the company is important," and added that Mr. Brant brought a "distinctive creative sensibility to the company.
Westwood developed her distinctive visual sensibility while working as a theatre performer and deviser.
This didn't quite happen, partly because the film has such a distinctive sensibility.