Initial symptoms include high fever, headache and backache, followed by a distinctive rash that spreads and grows progressively worse.
A distinctive scarlet rash appears - first on the neck and chest and then all over the body.
In addition, in most individuals with RMSF, a distinctive rash develops about three to five days after fever onset.
For instance, the distinctive rash may be faint or even absent.
The hallmark of Lyme disease is a target-shaped rash that appears 1-2 weeks after a tick bite, though not everyone will develop the distinctive rash.
The infection, signaled by a distinctive spotted rash, kills within two weeks in 10% to 25% of cases if not treated with antibiotics.
The classic presentation is the triad of persistent high spiking fever, joint pain and a distinctive salmon-colored rash.
Tuberous sclerosis first came to medical attention when dermatologists described the distinctive facial rash (1835 and 1850).
One is a distinctive rash.
The symptoms include fever and a distinctive rash, but generally do not include the more serious Lyme symptoms, which can involve neurological and cardiac symptoms.