Rights are a distinctive kind of ethical reason, and they are best explained in terms of assuring expectations.a consideration that does not apply to other animals.
Bogs, though similar to swamps or marshes, are a distinctive kind of wetland where peat forms from dead plant matter.
It's a distinctive kind of verse that appeals to most ages, and he illustrates it with bold and equally distinctive line drawings.
Scientists exploring the deep sea have discovered a distinctive kind of breaking wave.
The best known cultural influence known outside of Ecuador is a distinctive kind of marimba music.
Field staff operate in a range of environments each of which create distinctive kinds of task.
The dizi, a Chinese transverse flute, has a distinctive kind of reed (a di mo), which is made from a paper-like bamboo membrane.
It exemplifies a very distinctive kind of contemporary European film.
And he's a distinctive kind of fellow-very big, tall, and fair.
The result is a "distinctive kind of intelligent entertainment," Alan Cheuse said here last year.