They often track silently and only begin to make their distinctive baying bark, eye to eye with the prey, once it is stopped.
He heard the insistent ringing of the elevator bell, then recognized his wife's voice screaming for help and Chloe's distinctive bark.
I had my keys in hand, about to open the front door, when I heard Martha's distinctive bark coming from outside the house!
The distinctive bark is dark red to bronze colour with many papery layers which flake easily.
Smaller trees however have a distinctive black, purple or navy blue bark which is smoother and only slightly flaky.
However, the engines were more famously known as "Terriers" on account of the distinctive 'bark' of the exhaust beat.
The breed is known for its distinctive "drawling" bark, also known as a "bay."
They do have a distinctive bark that can be heard at night, but Mrs. Chester shrugged it off as a minor annoyance.
They are known by their loud, distinctive bark.
Start the engine and it responds with its pleasing, distinctive bark.