The distinction rests on the techniques used to write such histories.
Lewis said that "the distinction rests upon a confusion between degrees of merit and differences of kind."
The distinction between respectable academic historians and those of illegitimate historical revisionists rests on the techniques used to write such histories.
The distinction between the two dialects rests on differences in their respective phonetic inventory and lexicon.
The distinction, it said, "rests in the speaker's intended meaning and the listener's understanding."
Any distinction between the two candidates on Iran rests on Mr. Kerry's contention that he could better line up European support.
In regard to patient safety, one primary distinction rests with the IRB.
The distinction between digital and numerical relay rests on points of fine technical detail, and is rarely found in areas other than Protection.
The distinction between types of history books rests upon the research techniques used in writing such histories; accuracy and revision are central to historical scholarship.
For the distinction between Hua and Yi rests in the heart and is determined by their different inclinations.